The Latest Dish


  I don’t love you I don’t miss you I don’t want you But I must admit The finality of it hit me hard The failure The loss The U-turn   The revelry died down The exultations ceased The rabble rousers grew tired  In the aftermath Injury Desolation Truth  
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The Three Types of Love From My Past That Made Me a Better Person

There are so many articles about the three loves we MUST have had in our lives, but those never relate to me. I don't have any missed encounters or loves I regret because they did not work out. I loved these guys. They loved me. It was right to move on and we are all better for the experience. But if I must, I do think there are three types of love to experience in order to help us recognize when we are ready to find REAL love. That "Splendor in the Grass”   Type Love If you have ever seen that ...
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Books Read For Pleasure in 2017

Remember the year before last I started my quest to read 30 books a year? Although that is not really a lot, life seems to take over and I have not made it to the 30 yet. However, last year I did read 26 which was very close. I basically read anything and do not have a preference. Except romance novels are not really my thing so I try to stay away from them. Here are my list of books read last year. Have you read any of these?   1. Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight     One of my favori...
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Back to ZERO

  “...I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire...I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.” ― William Faulkner , The Sound and the Fury    I quote Faulkner because I grew up with him.    Walking from ...
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An American in Korea: Just Trying to Figure This Life Out.

Hello Fellow Travelers, Food Lovers, Adventurers, Searchers of Peace, Happiness Enthusiasts, Believers in Love and Fitness Dabblers! I’m Sharon, a Los Angeles Korean girl blogging with you from Korea! In May of this year I had two great opportunities to consider. I could accept a job teaching English in Korea where I had never traveled (although I have many family members in Korea) and gain a lifetime of experiences while earning and saving money for my future. Or, as I was also recently accepte...
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Surviving The Holidays Alone...NOT Lonely...Just Alone

People mean well, but I swear, the assumptions people have about those who OPT to spend the holidays alone just drives me batty! Not all of us are scrooges that curse the holidays and hide in our homes threatening people with death if they dare say "Happy Holidays!" We aren't all sad and lonely people hiding in the dark crying our eyes out wishing people loved us. Some of us are just damn tired and do not feel like pulling the holiday decorations out of the garage, planning a menu, cooking, shop...
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4528 Hits

Why I Give Away Shoes

I thought it was important to write this because so much of what we do in life is criticized. Everyone thinks you have a selfish motive and are looking for glory when you do something nice for others. No one believes that you can just be kind, want to help others and need nothing in return. If you don’t have nice shoes you get ridiculed. If you have nice shoes, you’re judged. If you have too many nice shoes, you’re shamed. If you give away shoes for free to help others, you’re shunned. I don’t f...
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3905 Hits

Under Our Cherry Moon...Cherry and Peach Cobbler

That's how I want to die... In a blaze of excitement where my last thoughts are probably "oh shit" as I'm enjoying for the last time that which brought me so much joy. No time for cancer. Won't wait for heart disease. Both of those run through my family. Instead, I want to face death in my best dress, tallest stiletto's and with a belly full of wine, cherry clafoutis, chocolate and having had some damn good sex within the past week or so. I don't even want to know what he was thinking as he saw ...
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5198 Hits

I Don't Need To See Your Penis To Know That I Don't Want To Date You

In this day and age are women not allowed to NOT choose you? To NOT date you? To just NOT be interested in you? I'm speaking to you Sir. Thank you for accidentally showing me your chiseled abs, admittedly, your abs are very nice. Also, it was kind of you to randomly mention your dentist in an unrelated conversation. Sorry, I did not ask about your nicely capped teeth. However, I'm just not feeling you. Thirty hours in the car alone with you while you practiced every pick up line you knew on me, ...
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8591 Hits

The Girl with The Red Lipstick

They told me she died. Considering we hadn't spoken since junior year of high school, did I have the right to cry for 3 days straight? Did I have the right to ask God to tell her I love her and that I never forgot her? Do I have the right to not be able to get through writing this without crying uncontrollably? We met in 8th grade and I had no idea we would form such a bond. My earliest memory of her is of her face filled with joy when she passed the 8th grade Constitution test with a 98% and wa...
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To Just Breathe the Same Air as Him

Sitting in Starbucks and I think I finally understand. I always saw couples in here sitting with one another and they were not saying a word. Each reading their own book or on their separate laptops. They would sit for hours like that. Watching this couple now that sometimes takes a break to look up from their books, at different moments, to sneak a peek at the other person and then smile and go back to their books makes me giggle. I think it's sweet. It's not about how much conversation that oc...
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5747 Hits

Because She Combed My Hair For My Mother's Funeral

"Sit over here and let me press your hair". She put a chair in front of the stove like my mother used to do. Just like when I was kid, I reluctantly followed orders and thought all about the past times the back of my neck or tip of my ears were burned during this beauty ritual. Carrying all the sadness in the world, I dragged my feet while walking towards her and sat down in the chair. I had no energy to say no and her tone told me that refusing would be useless. She turned on the fire for one o...
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7693 Hits


My Tits Are Too Small For The Machine   This Is Going To Hurt More Than That Time My Ex Painfully Sucked On My Breast For An Hour During The Worse Session Of Foreplay EVER   If I Don't Already Have Cancer This Mammogram Machine WILL Definitely Give It To Me   I recently began having my annual mammograms and I was TERRIFIED when I made the first appointment. Every story I heard from other women I had asked told me that mammograms were painful and should be avoided. What a horrible ...
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6520 Hits

Do you like yourself?

Do you really like who you are? Do you like yourself? I mean who you are as an entire person. Growing up I did not like myself. But it was mostly because I was in an abusive household with a mom who rarely had good things to say about me. In school I was awkward and mean because of my insecurities. I truly don't think I was a nice person. I married a man who belittled me constantly. I thought I was the worse person in the world. He profited from my self hatred and self doubt and reveled in my mi...
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5194 Hits


  A friend asked us to share how to say "I LOVE YOU" in each of our languages. We discovered that we are more diverse than we thought!! Here is a video of our responses. Say I LOVE YOU to someone today and everyday.   DIVA
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4921 Hits

Adoption Story: Even Birds with Broken Wings Deserve to Fly

"I want to be a lawyer" exclaimed Anthony to the Judge that christened his adoption with the swipe of his pen and the promise of a better future. Just years before, Anthony and his brother Thomas could barely speak. Their only form of communication was a series of negligible sounds and the words "whoop ass" which they memorized because their birth mother uttered those two words to them consistently. Unwanted by their birth mom, their only parenting role model was the dog, whose bathroom routine ...
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5030 Hits

Who's Rubbing You The Wrong Way? Brown Butter and Sage Pasta

When I was younger it would drive me crazy when people accused me of things that were not true. It started with my mom. She would accuse me of breaking something and I had no idea of what she was talking about. But she was overbearing and intent on having her way and did not want to hear anything I had to say. I would have to admit to something I did not do and take the punishment for it. Often, the punishment was too severe. Then in elementary school, I was accused of getting good grades and ex...
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4772 Hits

If You Want to Know If A Woman is Confident, Look at Her Shoes

" You look like you should be in the musical Kinky Boots!" We both looked down at my feet and laughed loudly. I was happy he finally said something because he had been staring at me nonstop for the past 6 minutes or so. Because of his elderly age, I erroneously assumed he was thinking I was a hooker and was disgusted. Well, he could have still been thinking I was a hooker but was wondering if he could afford me. LOL! I'll take that! But the answer would have been no because my confidence level t...
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3930 Hits

Celebrating a Young Author

Eight year old Kenya Davis from Prattville Primary School in Prattville, Alabama has written her first book titled "The Birthday Surprise".     We look forward to reading her first book and following her throughout her budding writing career. Stay tuned for more from this smart and talented Darling Diva!   DIVA    
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